Problems, Crashes and Errors of Unroll.Me TODAY

Can't connect to Unroll.Me? Trying to open Unroll.Me but the site is down and appears to be offline today? Check the issue below if it's down for everyone else or just you!


Status of Unroll.Me in the last 24 hours

server status
80% Complete
30% Complete
Response time
20% Complete

ping service

In Isnotdown, you will be able to instantly check if Unroll.Me works perfectly, or on the contrary, if it is registering some type of problem to offer its services.


The Unroll.Me service appears to be working!

Frequent failures of Unroll.Me

The best alternatives to Unroll.
Me are Polymail , Leave Me Alone and FocusList.
If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed over 10 alternatives below.
See all of your subscription emails, newsletters, and spam in one place and unsubscribe from them with a single click.
Take back control of your inbox.

Here's how it works: Head to the Unroll.
me site and choose Gmail/Google Apps or Yahoo Mail, click the box to agree to Unroll.
me's terms and conditions, and hit the Go button.
If you are currently logged into your account, Unroll.
me will ask for permission to access it.

Is Unroll.
Me Safe? Unfortunately, Unroll.
Me is not a privacy-oriented email unsubscriber.
When you sign up for Unroll.
Me, you become part of Rakuten Intelligence's online shopping panel and give the service permission to automatically recognize commercial emails and extract purchase information from them.
That's right!

me works for Gmail (including Google Apps Gmail), Yahoo! Mail, Outlook.
com, Hotmail, MSN, Windows Live, iCloud email, and AOL Mail.
It does not work across multiple accounts at once, which would be ideal, though you can sign up for Unroll.
me with each of your email addresses.

Troubleshooting Tips

Problem solved? Still can't connect to Unroll.Me? Continue with Step 2.
Turn it on again. Clear internet cookies and browser cache.
Still stuck and not enjoying Unroll.Me, then go to Step 3.
Temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall running in the background. Now, if you can access Unroll.Me, be informed that your security software is causing problems. Try adding Unroll.Me to the set of trusted sites.
DNS is a service that translates Unroll.Me into a machine-readable address called an IP address. In most cases, this job is done by your ISP. If only specific sites are not opening, it is likely to be corrupted.

Ask for direct help to the administrators of Unroll.Me

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